Sunday, March 17, 2013

Mango Fish Tacos!

Mango Fish Tacos with Chunky Salsa and Refried Bacon Beans

4 tilapia loins, thawed
2 tbsp grape seed oil
cayenne Pepper
8 corn tortillas
1 can refried beans
2 slices uncooked bacon
3 cloves garlic
8 roma tomatoes
1/2 bunch cilantro
1 medium white or red onion
2 tablespoons lime juice
1 mango
1/4 c sharp cheddar cheese, grated
1/2 cup sharp cheddar cheese, in a bowl, ready to serve.

heat grapes seed oil in small frying pan on medium heat. When oil covers pan, add the fish. for 5 to 7 minutes on each side, until you can break it apart with a wooden spatula. Season with cumin and then Cayenne pepper, according to taste. Break apart fish with a fork and mix to combine spices and oil. Keep covered and set aside.

Cut the tomatoes into quarters, removing the juicy tomato guts and seeds. Keeping only the outside, chop tomatoes, and add to a serving dish. Remove the skin of the mango, and chop mango pieces to the same size as the tomatoes, leaving the hard pit in the middle.Add to tomatoes. Chop onion, and  cilantro, garlic and mix with tomatoes. Add lime juice and sea salt.
Set aside.

Refried Bacon Beans
Heat a frying pan on low-medium and add bacon, turning every 2 to 3 minutes until crisp. remove bacon and set aside on a paper towel. Add beans to the bacon grease in the pan, mixing and stirring occasionally until heated through. Chop the bacon and add it back into the pan. Top with 1/4 c cheese.
Set aside

Tortilla shells 
preheat oven to 350 degrees. Put taco shells on ungreased cookie sheet, lined with tinfoil and heat for 3 minutes, flip them over, and cook for 2 more minutes. Remove taco shells from oven and gently fold them in half, leaving a 1 inch gap. lay them all against each other, letting them set for another 2 minutes.
Set aside.

Layer taco insides: beans, fish, salsa, cheese. Turn head sideways, laugh over 1990's "taco neck syndrome commercial," enjoy.


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